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March, 2022 | London, England 

IMG_1996 2.HEIC
IMG_1995 2.HEIC
IMG_2003 2.HEIC
IMG_1992 2.HEIC
IMG_1991 2.HEIC

Gallery Tour: Stephen Lawrence Gallery 


Gallery Tour: Stephen Lawrence Gallery 


After looking at this exhibition, 
I decided to use projector instead of TV screen

Gallery Tour: Stephen Lawrence Gallery 


The Zabludowicz Collection


I went to this exhibition for Mediated Environment class. I like the setting so I took some pictures to get some inspiration 

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I came up with the idea that what change in the perception was perhaps the intention to be able to represent oneself. I was doing research for other class Cinema & Space and I got the idea. In the interview(pic above) the actor starring in Minari mentioned that he came from a third culture (Korean American) so he always felt stuck in between and the movie Minari helped to represent his sense of belonging in the world. 
What made nomadic oversea Asian's perception different from domestic Asian's is perhaps the intention to be able to tell their story, represent their culture the way they see it and express themselves. 

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IMG_2355 3.HEIC

I sketched out some ideas for the exhibition 


I sketched out some ideas for the exhibition 


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Inspiration for putting things on the wall. The picture on the left was sent to me by my classmate Jack 

Meeting with supervisor (28/3)

I had a meeting with Mim before the last crit session. We discussed the interim report and I told Mim about some ideas I had for the exhibition and the change in perception of Nomadic oversea Asian. 


All rights reserved.   © 2022 Anh Nguyen 

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