Project management
Project management
Have you ever felt that you are everywhere and at the same time nowhere?
Project progression
Research & application
Research & application
Research & application
Research & application
Research & application
Research & application
Project in practice
January, 2022 | London, England
I found this Youtuber called Casey Neistat. He is famous for his vlogging style yet the techniques he uses reflect documentary filming. My project is using this methodology so I think it is relevant to have a look at his works. The total number of videos on his channel is more than 1000 videos (an average of 10 minutes each video though a lot of videos are more than 20 minutes and some less than 6 minutes). Therefore, it took me quite a time just to watch all of his videos.
I also read through some of Shanti Sumartojo's works. I found her works are easier to understand than Nigel Thrift's. Reading her works and watching her explain her work using autoethnography helps me a lot in understanding autoethnography and also how to actually applies it to my project.
I tried to learn to create 3D video on After Effects to represent that part of my childhood growing up, endorsing Western cultures. I actually had another course assignment that I dedicated to talk about iPod touch and creating 3D video was my idea for that project. Working on that project also gives me what is like to work with 3D and would it fit with the context of my project (documentary style?)
I also found and watched the videos from these Youtubers. They all have wonderful different styles of storytelling, editing, and cinematography that I could learn from and apply to my project.
I also watched videos breaking down some of these Youtubers' work alongside interviews, and podcasts to learn as much as possible about their video creating process.
I also found this director called Yasujirō Ozu through the movie Tokyo Story. The cinematography in the movie inspired me to think about how I could evoke the same feeling and sense of realism in my video.
Meeting with supervisor (17/1)
I had a catch-up with Mim after the Winter Break. I told her what I had done during the break. We discussed some of the things I had researched. Mim advised me to read the book visual communication from theory to practice by Jonathan Baldwin/Lucienne Roberts and Dick Hebdige's work.
Newly amended proposal form
Following the feedback on my proposal form, in my newly amended proposal form, I discussed my methodology and mentioned some of the other people's work that also uses autoethnography filmmaking that I can learn from. I also made some changes to my research schedule.
Schedule of Activities in the newly amended proposal form
Meeting with supervisor (27/1)
I had a meeting with Mim before the crit day to talk about what I intended to show on Monday. I showed her the first 20-30s seconds of the clip I made and also the script.
This is the video I showed at the crit session. I got some feedback from Mim and Sarah. They told me that the connection with fashion in my story was not clear. Moreover, the part that showed how much my sister and I loved Western cultures was interesting yet it needed to be developed more.
One thing I learned at the crit session was that the environment where I showcased my video would be very distracting for the audience to watch. Therefore, I needed to keep in mind other options for audio such as headphones maybe?
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